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Bad news first:
My computer decided to shit the bed, so I'm being forced to buy a new one (BOOOO-ERNS!).
But the silver lining woudl be that I get to upgrade from what I had, for less than what I paid for my previous laptop. It's been a week now of only being to get on a computer when one of my housemates vacates for a while and it's driving me nuts, I don't have jackshit to do with my days! :(
Good news:
I'm fresh into my stream in the VFS Foundation Program, and I'm finally able to focus my studies on Film!! Hurray!
Directing, Story Developement, and Cine & Location Sound seem to me like they're going to be my favorite classes this term.
Sound Design would probably be interesting, but the instructor is far too tangential and I don't actually remeber learning anything from the first class we had with him... although I can tell you his life story and the history of Xerox, Apple Computers, Adobe, and the conspiracy of why the price of gass is so high...
Pre-Production and Art Direction just sort of seem like they're going to be a bit of a bore -- Art Direction moreso as it seems to be a needless reitteration of a few previous classes from terms 1 and 2.
This term I'm going be preparing my final project for term 6, something I still have a lot of thought to put into...
Another developement is that I may have the opportunity with a few other classmates to shoot a short film down in the Carribean (Antigua) after schools done, with a bit of a budget aswell. But as far as I'm concerned, that's mostly still up in the air so i'm not investing too much of my expectation into it right now. I'll have more on the situation as it unfolds.
Peace ya later,
Mathew Joki Esq.

I love you
Boo-erns indeed on your computer puking. (Is that how you spell that?) But yay! on your decision to succumb to the facebook fad. Tho everyone will switch camps in 6 months, during those 6 months its actually a pretty decent place to network and keep in touch with people (like me) provided you use it like a growns up (no pictures of you throwing up on half naked people surrounded by drugs please! ;-)
Like everything on the interhoff, social networks can be used for good or evil. Just post by the "facebook rule" - don't post anything you wouldn't be proud to show your grandma (cause if she's like my grandma, she's on facebook!)
Lots of people are actually using it (myself included) to help decide who to hire for jobs/projects... As a student about to graduate, it can work for you or against you depending on your profile.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly
Oh and thanks Irene, I'm usre you're a swell person as well!
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