Discovery Project Moving Along
Alright, so I got all my footage shot last week at the park for my Discovery Project. It's looking good so far, I'm psyched to get it finished and out to the seething throngs that comprise my web blog fan base; all three of you! The editing is mostly finished and I’m currently looking to get some help form the Sound Design wing to do the audio for my piece. I could probably do it myself, but that’s extra time that I don’t have and plus it would just sound shitty anyways! :P
Two others and myself are also getting ready to start shooting our final project for Lens Based 04. The lowdowndirty on the project we’re doing is this: it’s a trailer for a moving called “The Appraiser,” which is based on an Antique-Roadshow-esque appraiser who basically fights evil! Naturally, his arch nemesis is The Taxidermist… I’m going to be playing the part of The Appraiser. Needless to say, it’s going to the best thing that’s ever happened to cinema! :D
Oh yeah, and here’s a controversial discussion topic:
Who would win in a fight: Gandalf or Yoda?
Labels: VFS

The Edmonton crew is going to have to debate over thsi question for many hours...we will give you our decision soon the mean time...
try to throw in the phrase " that dog better shut it's f**king mouth if it knows what's good for him" in your trailer...instant classic.
I'll see what I can do.
That's High Concept dude- "an Antiques Roadshow host who fights evil"... hee hee!
Um... Gandalf 'cause Yoda is a decrepit monkey skeleton. Also he's a muppet.
Final Answer: Gandalf
-he has beaten death
-has traveled through space and time
-has 2000 years experience on Yoda.
But Yoda has:
1) The Force
2) A light saber
3) Is a straight up G (
who;s the devil's advocate? I challenge you to a duel~!!! RIGHT NOW! IM DRUNK!!!
I think you to need to dialectically duke it out and see who comes out the blog-comment-victor!
D-A can tongue my virtual balls
Let the virtual fisticuffs begin then.
PS. Mahe's a poon, and i hear he likes wearing woomen's undergaments...spread the word!
This just in:
The part of the Taxidermist is to be played by the one and only Brett Webster!
I got knocked right the fuck out? What happened!!!
Hey are you and your people (Brett, Luke, Jackolanten- I ferget the others) on Facebook?
Cause if not, you should be on facebook.
Myspace sucks. I am now officially deserting to the facebook camp. Spread the word.
(in all seriousliness, Facebook has an interesting news feed feature that lets you see what all your friends have done that day whenever you log in. S'cool for lazy people who don't wanna actually talk to their friends.)
I agree, Facebook IS the end all be all of internet communication
I personally believe Facebook to be the last bastion of Hitler’s Third Riech as administered by the Gestapo. I will not bow to the pressure of joining that which is the very crux of Neo-Fascism!
I’ve seen far too many youth enticed into the promising vista of “The Facebook Family” who have been weakened be the low-protein gruel and sugarcoated lies, all to have their souls stolen from them and dragged into the bowels of Satan himself.
I don’t know, maybe you haven’t see that yet… but you will!
FYI: You can never delete our Facebook account from public access after you create it. The Gestapo owns your soul!
I have spoken.
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