On The Lot//Doculink

On The Lot:
There's a new TV series that FOX is about to put out called On The Lot which is basically another reality TV series based around filmmaking. It's being hosted by Steven Speilberg and the prize is a job at Dreamcast, and a one million dollar budget in order to make produce you're own show. Though I/We didn't have time enough to submit anything "good" we decided that we would try and submit our movie Flatline (still yet to be posted on the On The Lot website).
Brett and I went to this Doculink meeting last weekend to get some ideas and insight into documentary film making, and to do a litte bit of networking. I got some ideas on how to shoot, fund, sell and get media coverage for a couple of documentary ideas I have.
DocIdea the First:
And friend and I are currently working out the logistic, practicalities and pitch opportunities for this travel documentary/reality TV program that would feature the two of us hitchhiking the globe; litterally. The idea is to cover 6 of the 7 continents--being that Antarctica probably doesn't have the most friendly of hitching environments--all on a limited and budget and limited time frame. The big thins we still have to figure out is how to get across the Atlantic, how long it will take us, what the danger of certain countries is and how can we get a network to invest in us. As soon as we get that all figure out, I'm going to put together a pitch package and send it out to some perspective networks.
DocIdea the Second:
Ever since I left Thailand, I've been longing to go back and start training Muay Thai again! My idea was to sell the idea of me training and competing in Thailand as a reality/documentary/travel series. I was thinking about possbly getting a sponsoreship by a supplement company on top of that and trying to sell the ideaand get a professional documentary filmmaker/camera operator to do this with me. Brett has also expressed some interest into the idea and is thinking about doing some filming in Nepal and surrounding area while I'm training.
I'm planning on developing both ideas and seeing which sticks or seems to be more lucrative. I guess we'll just see how it all turns out...
PS. That shoe is dedicated for you, Jessica! :D
Labels: Industry

Its a fine shoe. Good lines. Nice texture.
Lemme know if you want a second set of eyeballs to check out your pitches when they are done, I'd be happy to help (the past two weeks have been nothing but pitch designing in Jessica-land. Fun fun!)
Thank you for the offer.
The pitches still have quite a ways to go at present, but once i get some things solidified and roughed out I'll send them your way.
Me too.
Thank's alot, hey you in the bushes!
Its a fine texture. Good shoe. Nice lines.
mahter i jsut gotg back from ur house and wew ent ot he ko,! and its urt btohers bday and we love u all and i hope u call me tomorrow...nice shoes!
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