UFC 67: From #1 to "Top 10"

Unfortunately, George St. Pierre injured his knee in training and was not allowed to fight with it. That alone took the fight out of “Best Card Ever” standing for me. The further letdown has just been announced, that Travis Lutter failed to make weight for the fight. Silva and Lutter will still fight but “despite two tries at the scale, TUF 4 winner Travis Lutter will not be challenging for Anderson Silva's UFC Middleweight Championship Saturday night after coming in at a final weight of 186.5 pounds, a pound and a half over the 185-pound middleweight limit.” The “main event will now be a three round non-title match, with Lutter being fined 10% of his purse by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (5% going to Silva, 5% to the NSAC).” The UFC allows a leniency of one pound of weight in order to still content, but unfortunately, Lutter was no able to cut that last half pound.
Title fight aside, the debuts of Cro Cop and Rampage Jackson make a pretty good promise not to disappoint. The fight night will still be a good one in my books, but not as amazing as it would have been with GSP and the tension on Silva that his belt is on the line. GSP and Silva are two of my favorite fighters, I would have loved to see them on the card together, especially one as stacked as this.
It may be a little late posting this since UFC 67: All or Nothing is on tonight (7PT—10ET) but being that I’m sick with dawdknowswhat, and can’t sleep, I thought I might as well post about it at quarter-to-seven in the AM. Hope I’m feeling a little bit more limber by this evening so I can actually make it out to sports bar to see the action.
I let you know how it goes in the comments after the fight!
Labels: Martial Arts

Just got home from watching the fight.
Wasn't Disapointed at all! My picks for the night all won, (Rampage Jackson, Mirko Cro Cop, and Anderson Silva) so that makes me pretty happy.
The three highlight fights were deffinitely worth watching, and the Silva/Lutter fight was probably the best of the night.
is that any relation to Antonio Silva? I saw him fight Eric Pele at the Bodog mixed martial arts thingy. Muay Tai and Jiu-Jitsu guy...
Dog's can't box Jess
Boxers can box...
now heres where you are dead wrong. Boxers are for wearing only i'm afraid. or people who assemble boxes at a box factory. hopefully you won't have to have your son made into a box with his lucky red hat.
My boy's a box!! A BOX!!!!
you guys are f'n weird
I see some tomfoolery afoot.
To answer you question Jessica, I have no idea if the two are related. From what I gather, Silva must be a rather popular Brazilian surname since their's another fighter in PRIDE (not of relation) by the same tag.
if i was a wrestler, my moniker would be 'the French tickler'
I've got a crappy story about "the French Tickler" involving my highschool dodgeball championship some years back that's really only funny if you understand the backstory and the people... so I'll refrain from telling it. :D
Let's not talk about Dodgeball, it gets the blood angry that they shut my legacy down @ school cuz of fights during the dodgeball games. DODGEBALL!!!! I unleashed a beast on HRHS
I would like to wish Justin Mahe a very happy bithday, this February 9th. You're officially "old-balls" now son! :D
Im still young balls im afraid for another 12 hours, you were premature (thats what she said) on the date...let it be known from now on, Justin G. Mahé turns 20 years of age on the 10th.
My bad.
I will now be taking all birthday wishes and greetings,on this 10th day of february in the 2007th year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you...from Telus.
Wheres the new blog, mother of goodness....
Matty Matt;
can you believe Randy Couture is getting a TITLE shot!??! its 43fn years old! That will be a stellar PPV. Also hearing Tito vs. Griff Part Deuce. That should be a hell-raiser aswell. Can't wait till Arlovski gets his title shot again.
How old was Rocky supposed to be in the first movie? That was supposed to be a come back fight for him, no? And now hes like what, 60?
Do they have a geriatric league in real life?
Do NOT make fun of ROCKY. He is my HERO and I will defend him to the death. Rocky Balboa was a SWEET movie. One of my favorite!
Going ... into ... blog .. withdrawl...
Dude, post something else. Take a picture of your shoes, I don't care. (are they nice shoes?)
yea man, you're letting mommy and daddy down
Been Busy as something that's far too busy to come up with fitting analogies lately--as you can see--so I haven't had the time to post. Here's a new one for yout though!
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