Remember that Mobile Jamfest thing I mentioned down there \/ ?
Well thanks to all the super-dooper people that voted for my movie, Red Army has been nominated as a finalist for the festival! That means that I'm one of the final 3 in my catagorie (Animation)!
So go to and vote for the movie Red Army so I can win some stuff! Why? Because you love me and if I win I'll let you come over and play Xbox 360! ;)
Other quick updates:
-moving into a new place with 3 other guys from school. Already have our stuff there, start living there when we get back from the break -- psyched!
-going home today for Xmas break -- gonna be a blast!
-had my term 2 life drawing exam yesterday -- improved a lot again this time; pic to follow
-finished my Sequential Media final group-project this weekend and showed it on monday. This is a short film we made, experimenting with a bunch of different filming techniques and frame composition rules. It was a lot of fun to make and hopefully I'll have it posted up on Youtube pretty soon here so I can show you what we did.

Here's my favorite drawing fo the 5 I did for my exam, the pose is rather reminiscent of my highlight pic from last test; I don't know why I can end up drawing the hardest poses best. I just wish I another 10 or 15 minutes so that I could properly finish her left hand and her head, then I think it would be a really nice drawing. Tell me what you think.

Congrats on being a finalist! That's awesome...
Merry Chrissy...
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I have such a raging clue right now.
wow man, way to go...look at you all grownsd up. I'll see ya in Lloyd home boy
Love Justin
You have shown a maked impovement in you work keep it up.
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