I went and saw Borat the other day. Oh sweet Jesus it was hilarious! Almost too funny actually. The thing that kind of upsets me is the people who are going to go to it without any knowledge of Sacha Baron Cohen’s humble beginnings as Ali G, and no clue about his background or that of Borat’s character. I know a lot of people have been saying that the film is anti-semetic, and I could totally see how they would think that if they didn’t already know that Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish himself. That’s exactly why I find it a shame that people are going to see this movie without any previous knowledge of him.
But the movie has my recommendations, go see it, laugh you butt off!
Labels: Movies
Ali G can suck my left nut, and Borat can suck my right.
that's a little hateful
i want your giant ron dans ma grosse plôte. ♥♥♥;)
Well thanks, I guess....
Do I know you?
Watchel, I know that's you! You're such a poon!
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