Term 4 Turn-Around
For me, term 3 in Foundation as hell.
It wasn't that we had too much work to do, is more that the work we did have required minimal effort and most of it had little appeal for me to really put a lot of effort in. That was probably because a lot of the assignments that I was given, I had no real desire to include them in my portfolio afterwards (Trogdor Surprise, the model pavilion I made in 3D Design, and the Public Service Announcement we made -- which you will never see because it's SOOOO gawdawful -- are good examples of that).
The think that just sort of made the entire term lick $#!t was that it didn't seem like we really had much of a workload until about the last week when all the final projects are just dumped on your head. That last week I think that I slept maybe a grand total of 25 hours in 7 days...
This term, term 4, is looking up though!We've got a new teacher for our Lens Based Media Class (Chad Costen) and he's great; we have a class for Discover Project which basically lets us do or make what ever we want in order to 'discover' our passion; we get to make our own website in Flash (can't wait!); we're learning how to use Maya to do 3D modeling on the computer (not something that I'll necessarily need to use, but it's interesting to learn); we have a class about Non-Linear Editing (editing on a computer) and editing theory (which I find really interesting and relevant); and we get to develop our Life Drawing skills a little more (something I’m really keen on doing, because right now I suck).
So all in all it's looking to be a good term, let's hope it all stays on track with the weeks to come
PS. Happy St. Patty's Day
Labels: VFS

i have a sesquipedalian (*spelling?) in my pants
i also call a bed so i don't have to sleep in the fing garage again
dport and mahe, I have NO idea what you're talking about!
i tongue my own balls, and earls, and other mens, for a minimal fee....like free.
You have weird friends dude. And your spelling sucks almost as bad as mine (Almost!)
You have Chad Costen for a teacher this term? That's super terrific #1! Chad is awesome... He was my TA way back when, and he reworked the ending for a short film I shot in Germany. He's really talented and gots a good attitude. Tell 'em I say hi, and that he should give you an "A".
chad us less thann impressive, im drunk so joki, make sure u take may longg off cuz im comin to vcoov, Jess u be ready too
Yes, yes, I do have weird friends! There is aboslutely no way I can deny that. Haha.
As for Chad, I deffinitely relay that message for you... especially since it includes a recommendation for me to get an "A"! :D
As for you Mahe, don't worry, I'll book time off for you during May Long! We'll tear the place up.
Maybe if you ask Jessica REEEEAL nicely, she'll come for coffee with us one day and you'll get to see who it is you've been talking smack with all this time! :D
Peace and Karats,
Mathew Joki ESQ.
Upon further review of Microsoft Word, I deduced that SpellCheck temporarily kicked the bucket and failed to inform me of my misspelling.
Things have been rectified for your reading enjoyment!
I guess I could grace Jessica with my presence, but make sure she keeps her hands to herself, i'm saving myself for you Matthew
You call that asking "REEEEL" nice? Ha!
i could ask you nicer, but then you might want to get married, and Im just not ready for a commitment yet.
*shaking head in shame*
S'okay, my honor can easily be restored with a couple of Muay Thai elbows to these guy's heads ;-)
Matt, you shame me.
MT elbows shall be distributed!
honestly tho, when i come to Coovs we should all definitely go for some good old brewskis...or coffee (not my cup o tea. Would be neat to see who this famous Jessica lady who is keeping tabs on Matts blog is.
and she could meet some of your loser friends, who are keepin it real posting on ur blogski! You are judged by the company you keep....and i must say, we are some wicked company!
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