In Hali
I'm just in Halifax right now, staying at one of my school friends/crew member's house (which is crazy!), and we're flying out tonight to Antigua. So Luke, Natalie, and I will be flying on Luke's dad's private company jet -- yeah, I know; rediculous, right? :) -- and meeting up with Shab and his family at 8:00 at night, Antigua time.
After I had a go at writing the script we gave it to another guy who has worked with one of my instructors at VFS on his feature that he just shot. So this guy, Daniel Lione, has given us a first draft of his version of the script, which we all like quite a bit. All we need now is to have a meeting to discuss some things and make a few minor changes and to clarify a few things. Daniel is also going to be our lead actor in it, so we'll be seeing him down in Antigua.
But yeah, I guess what's going to happen is that we're going to take the first couple days down there to check out pretty much the entire island and assess our location status, and shit like that; get everything worked out for our shooting schedule; check out all the equipment that Shab has down there and get everyone familiar with how to operate/manage it and stuff.
We've split up credits for the movie now and I am a combination of Assistant Director (keep production running smoothly, on time and under budget during shooting; work with the crew and dictate setup and stuff while the Director is working with the actors, or doing whatever), Unit Production Manager (line up all the stuff that the AD needs to know when production starts; arrange locations, actors, crew, schedule, budget, etc. in pre-production), Gaffer (in charge of setting up the lights, and telling other crew what to do with the lights to meet the requests of the Director and the Cinematographer) and Script Superviser (make sure that everyon scene has been shot as scheduled, keep people on time, log timecode and tape/reel numbers of shots for easy access in post-production/editing).
So needless to say, I've got a lot on my plate with movie, and a lot of stuff to do. so it's going to be pretty damn busy, but I'm still looking forward to the rush. :D
Oh yeah, and I'm officially a Director of a company!
We got some legal work worked out so that the company owns the movie and we all own equal shares in the company, so that we're protected against liability and other stuff, and so that one of us can't just turn into a major dong and try to get more reparation for the movie than the others. The company name right now is 3222324 Nova Scotia Ltd... We didn't have a name at the time of registration, so we just took the default company name. We're going to be renaming it Halivantigua Ltd. because the other name.... kinda blows! haha.
That all I have to talk about so far. I'll keep the blog updated while I'm in Antigua... Hopefully...
I'm out. Peace!
Mathew Joki Esq.
Labels: Antigua Movie, Experiences, Memoirs of the Blue

Can i have a producer credit?
is there a small part for me?
Well let's just say that some whack-assed shit just went down last night and there's going to be an interesting time ahead of us, trying to figure out exactly what the F*&% to do to fix this...
Stay tuned!
Hope you have a blast... May all your nervous breakdowns be tempered with an equal measure of personal triumphs.
There is nothing like the feeling of being on set in a foreign country, looking around at all the cast and crew scurrying about their jobs and thinking, "Man, *I* did this. All these people are here because of *me*."
S'a heady experience buddy! Enjoy every second...
What went down Mathew? Anything I can do to off somebody for ya?
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