Friday, December 22, 2006

Just Not Good Enough

Well today they announced the winners for that Mobile Jamfest Film Festival and personally, I think it's a load of "hoo'ee" but I lost out on my finalist entry (Red Army) to some other entry. :(

Oh well, the world keeps spinning... even if i don't have an Xbox 360. :(

Aside from that, I've been back home (Loydminster AB) for the past little while and it's been a gong-show--whatever that means! ha--catching up with old friends that I haven't seen in a while. Fun Fun, but I'm out for now so,

Religiously Unspecific Holiday Greetings,
Mathew Joki ESQ.


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Friday, December 15, 2006


Here's the short film that I made with three others from VFS. It's our term 2 final project for Sequential Media, entitled Flatline.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Remember that Mobile Jamfest thing I mentioned down there \/ ?

Well thanks to all the super-dooper people that voted for my movie, Red Army has been nominated as a finalist for the festival! That means that I'm one of the final 3 in my catagorie (Animation)!

So go to and vote for the movie Red Army so I can win some stuff! Why? Because you love me and if I win I'll let you come over and play Xbox 360! ;)

Other quick updates:

-moving into a new place with 3 other guys from school. Already have our stuff there, start living there when we get back from the break -- psyched!
-going home today for Xmas break -- gonna be a blast!

-had my term 2 life drawing exam yesterday -- improved a lot again this time; pic to follow

-finished my Sequential Media final group-project this weekend and showed it on monday. This is a short film we made, experimenting with a bunch of different filming techniques and frame composition rules. It was a lot of fun to make and hopefully I'll have it posted up on Youtube pretty soon here so I can show you what we did.

Here's my favorite drawing fo the 5 I did for my exam, the pose is rather reminiscent of my highlight pic from last test; I don't know why I can end up drawing the hardest poses best. I just wish I another 10 or 15 minutes so that I could properly finish her left hand and her head, then I think it would be a really nice drawing. Tell me what you think.


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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Conundrum #1

Q: Why is this question unanswerable?

A: Because for it to be unanswerable we must assume that the statement attesting to its unanswerable nature to be true. By assuming this to be true the question becomes answerable—with this being the answer—and therefore becoming a false statement. If the statement is false then our original assumption must be wrong and the opposite must be true. Therefore, the question becomes, “Why is this question answerable?” Since, in attempting to answer the original question, the question came to refer to its negative equivalent as an answer to itself, the loop of questions cannot be ended without disproving itself. Thus, there is no answer!

Yes, I realize that I just wasted precious moments of your life… Have good day!! :D


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