Mathew's Movie Review: The Island

I don't care what anyone says about this movie, or what anyone is going to think about me for saying this; but I liked this movie! I really did!
I mean, yeah, I can understand why it was poorly received; film buffs saw it and thought it was nothing more than a Michael Bay action roller coaster ride, only out to pull in some green with the promise of sci-fi special FX, car chases, explosions, product placement and two big-name actors attached to the cover.
Fans of the high-octane shoot 'em up genre where probably pissed that the movie wasn't exactly as it was advertised, and the beginning was too "slow" (meaning that there was an actual dramatic plot element that took away from cool action sequences).
In my opinion, even though this film was obviously made in order to rake in loads of cash and it's doubtful that Bay had any interest in the film that was deeper than that, this film has a very strong theme and a powerful message that goes along with the action sequences (which are pretty intense, I might add!). This is probably a similar reason as to why I like I, Robot so much as well.
I personally found the storyline of The Island to be enjoyable, the cinematography rather standard for movies of this genre, the acting was pretty good. The whole utopia/dystopia thing was represented nicely. The setting of 2019 was a bit soon for my liking (I don't foresee "hover bikes" being in commercial use in 11 years from now, but that's just me), of course it's always possible that the date is and homage to Blade Runner, which was set in 2019, but who knows. There's a few issues with continuity and a few anachronisms, but I can let those pass.
All in all, I give it:
Like I said, I don't care what anyone else thinks! Flame me all you want! :D

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