Step into the high octane, mile-a-minute universe of this pseudo-Socratic neo-Samuria, on a quest for unquestioned perfection in the world of filmmaking!
LIFE: Well, I'm fully moved in with Mr. Marky-Marc, got my room all decked you with some super cool IKEA furniture, etc. I'm most likely getting a job doing some weekend valet work with Marc, so that's cool. Still waiting on people to get back to me and let me know what's what, still looking into schools.... I don't know, it's a bit shady at the moment. But livin' with Marc is cool though! *thumbs up!*
POST-PRODUCTION: As for post-production of Memoirs of the Blue... basically nothing's happening... Sorry if I disappointed you, but we still don't have the footage captured, communication and collaboration within the group is not really happening (for reasons that I won't discuss), we're having some issues with the budget, and we're still in legal limbo with an airline company which is a deciding factor as to whether or not we're going to be able to use a scene in the movie...
Yeah... it's kinda scary, you're right! How does somebody deal with the looming cloud of misfortune over head? Well I'm sure you've all heard of that saying, "Ignorance is bliss..."
FESTIVALS: I submitted my VFS Foundation final project to the Babelgum Online Film Festival yesterday. Submissions close February 15, and after that they should be viewable to the public. I'll keep everyone updated as per the developments in that field.
LINKS: There's a couple links that I should have added to my site a LONG time ago.
Zeros2Heroes The first is a Vancouver based online comic book networking group that allows aspiring comic writers to pitch, polish and perfect their abilities with the help of online opinions and comments. One of the people spear-heading this project, Jessica Clark, is a former instructor of mine and a veteran voice on the comment boards of this blog.
Video Copilot The second has been an absolutely indispensable source for tutorials and reference when it comes to working with Adobe After Effects. With After Effects, I can say that I taught myself how to walk, but this site is really responsible for teaching me how to run.
The above mentioned links will herein be located in the side-panel "Links" section for all of your enjoyment and easy access.
Well, happy belated New Years and Holiday wishes to you all! Sorry that I haven't posted lately, I got all caught up in doing pretty much nothing at all! :S
News for the Memoirs of the Blue: the tapes still haven't be able to be captured, so that's a little annoying... :(
News from Life: back in Lloydminster I got to see some friends, go back to training at Tae Kwon Do and help out with a belt testing, had a quaint little xmas with the family, visited the grandma, then boxing day I was off with the family on the way to Saskatoon, visited relatives along the way, visited my great grandma/pa, then flew down to Mexico the next day, where we met up with JaeHee. Some how she managed not to crazy, having to deal with the shenanigans and tomfoolery of my family ( :P ) so that was fortunate.
Now I'm back in Vancouver again. At the moment I'm staying at JaeHee's place, but I'm going to be moving in with Marc-Anthony (actor from our movie) by next week, so that will no doubt be a gong show. :P At the moment, I'm just trying to sort out what I'm doing in life, trying to decide where to go to school, how much school I think that I need, and what I'm going to do for money. I guess I'll keep you all posted on those endeavors and for now, here are some pictures, yaaayy!!!
-My brother, Dylan, burying my cousin, Madison, in the sand
-Me, Madison and JaeHee
-Mid-day siesta with my girl
Antigua/Dominica: (on set and on location for Memoirs of the Blue)
-Shab being a badass
-Down's Syndrome isn't funny
-Marc being a badass
-Marc being super cool, Bert wrestling the camera, Natalie being a princess, Shab also being a princess
My name is Mathew Joki. I recently graduated from VFS Foundation course and am in the post production stages of a feature film that I've been working on with some friends from school. I'm a world traveler, previously spending 10 months in Asia training martial arts. I'm currently working towards a career in film, so that I can be doing what I love for the rest of my life.