Final Project Concept Pitch
Today we pitched our concepts for our final projects.
The logline for mine: "Discovering she has the ability to tap into the universal knowledge that is stored in her subconscious, a suspicious secretary becomes overwhelmed by the Pandora’s Box she opens up as a result of trying to harness her power, in order to uncover a scandalous secret."
This is going to be a short, 10-minute film, with a heavy element of overlayed graphical design somewhat similar to that in the movie Stranger Than Fiction.
An example:
Once I finish more of the rough designs in After Effects I'll post them up so you can see for youreselves what I have in mind.
The pitch went rather well, I thought. I'm really excited to get to the production stage with this project; it has a lot of what I ultimately wish to be encorparating into film in it, so I'm happy.
One point of great dissappointment with the pitch was that their where only 2 instructors critiquing on the concepts once it came time for the students who are streaming into Film to present their concepts (myself being one of them). But the part that is a real kick in the head is that throughout the entire day of presentations, there was not a SINGLE instructor doing a critique who was from a film background!
Imagine that! A "film school" and we don't even have a point of view from someone with film experience to give advise on the projects relating to film! I'm all but a little upset about that. Basically, as things stand with this school now, I definitely wouldn't recomend VFS to anyone. It seems to me that this place is concerned with profits first, image second, and the students third.
Labels: VFS