Saturday, November 25, 2006

Self Portrait

Today I decided to do a litte self portait of... well... myself! The outcome was actually rather suprising to me; probably one of the best, if not the best drawing I've done to date. There are a few flaws with proportion, but over all I'm extremely happy with it--actually more suprised than anything! :P

Tell me what you think of it.


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Sunday, November 19, 2006


I went and saw Casino Royale the other day; probably one of my favorite Bond films to date! Daniel Craig does a bang-up job as the new JB. There’s a really sweet Parkour-style chase scene at the beginning (with none-other than Parkour co-founder Sebastien Foucan!) that got me pretty psyched for the rest of the film. As always, Bond is suave as a mother*%$#@& and just fun to watch.

I’m starting to suffer from the curse of knowledge though. I realized this more while I was watching the movie. Here I am, watching this crazy action film and I’m critiquing the technical aspects of the film! I’m looking at the composition of the frame, the use of contrast, silhouette, the cropping and carre, principle of thirds, use of perspective, et cetera, et cetera, and how it adds to the scene visually. Now instead of enjoying a movie what it is, I’m starting to enjoy it for what it’s composed of. I’m not quite sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing yet, only time will tell I guess.

I’ve also found myself complaining about the choice of font (Papyrus in particular) on advertisements and commercial buildings. The worst part about that being that I’m actually not all that fond of typography to say the least! :D

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's Niiiice!!

I went and saw Borat the other day. Oh sweet Jesus it was hilarious! Almost too funny actually. The thing that kind of upsets me is the people who are going to go to it without any knowledge of Sacha Baron Cohen’s humble beginnings as Ali G, and no clue about his background or that of Borat’s character. I know a lot of people have been saying that the film is anti-semetic, and I could totally see how they would think that if they didn’t already know that Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish himself. That’s exactly why I find it a shame that people are going to see this movie without any previous knowledge of him.

But the movie has my recommendations, go see it, laugh you butt off!


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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mobile Jam Fest Competition

There’s a film competition that I’ve submitted some of my work to and they’ve opened up voting for favorites just recently so check some of my work out at and maybe vote for some of my stuff if you don’t think it’s all that bad. The prizes include Xbox 360's and upwards to $10 000 in tuition (NICE!)!
My submissions:

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Colour Theory

You know what’s really sweat about being colour blind? Well it definitely isn’t having to take “Colour Theory” classes in Foundation! ;) But you know what? It’s actually kind of fun, doing stuff that doesn’t really make any sense to me, but everyone else seems to think looks hilarious.

Take this painting I made of a rainbow for instance:

I’m joking, of course, I’m not THAT colour blind, this was just an exercise in depicting “value”, but it’s still sort of annoying…

That having been said, check out the dinosaur I painted:

It looks pretty decent to me… but how would I know? ;)

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Life Drawing

The other day I got my term 1 test for Life Drawing back and aside from the picture to the left, I could have sworn that I failed it! Well I got my marks and found out that, to my surprise, i actually did pretty good on it. Though Life Drawing is not necesarily my strong suite, I managed to pull off an 89% (HURRAY!) - one of my only marks below 90%.

The top picture is probably my best drawing to date, definitely a long way from my "Goro" picture! (Below)

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