Back on the Filmmaking Train
Long time since I posted on my blog I know but things have been wicked busy this past month! My roommate Marc-Anthony and I have since put together a group of like minded filmmakers/actors/etc who are tired of waiting for opportunities to fall into our laps and actually make something of quality for ourselves on our own resources.
The focus of the group centers around a web series that we have been developing (more on that to come) with many other side projects branching out from there. Yesterday we had our first warm-up shoot were we filmed a scene from a play in a downtown nightclub that we got permission to shoot in.
The shoot went amazingly well! We ended up shooting 25 pages in one 7-hour day. Those who don't know what that means: television usually shoots somewhere from 8-10 pages a day, and feature films anywhere from 1-5 pages on a 12-16 hour day! So no small feet on our part at all.
It all came down to the spectacular group of people that we have working on this shoot.
We are still in process of getting a website up and running that will have information, bios and links to all kinds of great content but I'll make sure to keep my blog updated from here on out to keep everyone informed as to the new developments.
Here's to the beginning of a great thing in making. Cheers!
Labels: Independent, Personal Work