Craziness Begets Craziness
A last minute post before I hit the hay and leave Van, back to Lloydminster AB at 5am tomorrow morning. >;-O
So let's quickly sum up Saturday and Sunday night... "long story short" version 'cus i really have to go to bed soon.
Started out like any other regular night, spent an hour and half waiting in line to buy a friend a birthday shot at Caprice, waiting meanwhile for Marc-Anthony (roommate) to get downtown from work and go hit the clubs with him. Needless to say, gave up on that endeavor after that point when Marc and Friend 1 (I'm just not going to use names here for reasons soon to be crystal clear... she's a female by the way) swing by Caprice to pick me up, go to another club, trying to get a bit of a buzz going again since that line waste most of my flavor so far. Club's dead, so we have a drink and leave to go to Friend 2's place.
Get to Friend 2's place, people there are Friend 2's Girlfriend, Friend 3 (female), and Friend 3's Co-Worker (female). Things are classy, all is copacetic, having fun. Co-Worker is kind of an odd duck, but still. Co-Worker jokes about cut on her wrist while she was cooking chicken as looking like a suicide attempt. We play a drinking game. Building that buzz back Then randomly Co-Worker starts trying to start shit with everyone, telling Friend 2 to "shut the *expletive deleted* up" and so forth.
Friend 2: "Please don't tell me to shut the *expletive deleted* up in my own house. That's the third time I asked you not to say that, next time you can leave, ok?"
Co-Worker: "Listen, my boyfriend's a cop -- I'm with the police. You don't wanna mess with me. Maybe there's something in your past that you don't want to have come out, you know!"
Friend 2: "Are you trying to say that I'm a criminal?"
Friend 2 and Co-Worker continue.
Meanwhile, Friend 3 is getting embarrassed for inviting Co-Worker and storms off.
Girlfriend goes to console Friend 3.
Co-Worker follows, feeling guilty that she's embarrassing Friend 3.
Girlfriend tells Co-Worker to just go back to the living room and let her talk with Friend 3.
Co-Worker doesn't like that idea.
Co-Worker: "She's MY friend! I want to talk to her" Meanwhile trying to rip Girlfriend's hair out.
Friend 2 rushes in save Girlfriend, wrestles Co-Worker away from Girlfriend and drags her to the door. "Get out of my house! You're not welcome here any more!"
Co-Worker drops purse: several bottles of medication fall out.
Friend 1 and I help her get her stuff together and try getting her outside into a cab. Meanwhile, she's crying and apologizing and confessing to us all the trials and tribulations of her life and how she just wants to end her life, et cetera, et cetera, going back and forth crying on different shoulders.
After 20 minutes or so of heart-to-hearts and trying to calm her down so we can go out and start looking for a cab, Friend 1 says: "I'm just gonna grab a smoke from you while I go grab you taxi, ok?" and reaches for her purse.
Co-Worker goes ape shit!
Starts swearing at and insulting Friend 1.
Friend 1 is fed up so she pushes Co-Worker out the front door and goes back up to the apartment. Marc comes down.
Together Marc and I go out in the snow to find this broad a cab.
A Half Hour, easy.
Co-Working is stumbling all over the place on ice in the snow in open toed heels. Marc and I trade off between cab searching and heart-to-hearts/keeping her upright.
Cab passes but doesn't stop. Who want so pick up two guys with one girl who looks like she could have been ruffied!?!?
Co-Worker shows me the other scars on her wrists. There's a lot of them.
Finally we flag one down.
She doesn't want to go, she wants to stay with us. She tries kissing me and getting me to come in the cab with her. Obviously not going to happen.
Give the cabby $20 and tell him that's his tip for bringing this girl wherever she needs to go. Close the door...
Cab leaves.
Time: 5:00am
Night: A complete and total write-off!
Buzz/Vibe: Thoroughly (and BRUTALLY) killed.
Wow, that was longer than I thought!
I'm going to save Sunday's shenanigans for another post... I'll give you this little teaser though: It involves handcuffs! ;)
Stay tuned!
(Flight in 6.5 hours... d'oh!)
Labels: Adventures

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